Kuza Freezer




Somo Africa

“Leveraging the TOT sessions that were provided by SBC, we were able to really get this entrepreneur to a space where she could also get funding from an investor, which really worked since investors are keen on seeing such practices within the organizations.” Ongoza Representative
“Going through the SBC training, we were able to identify all the gaps that were in the [shared] space and we were provided with a checklist of all the things that we needed for the space to just be able to tackle all the different hazards that could happen at the space.” Somo Africa Representative
We found that some of the businesses that we did a needs assessment, really called for training in this area. By training these employees, they're able to roll out their operations, not just within Nairobi, but also countrywide. And that is the kind of impact we are seeing as the enterprises adopt these measures and practices.” Ongoza Representative
“SBC has been of great support to us, more specifically in ensuring that we improve on the safety of our workers, ensuring that we have the right policies in place. And also we have the right guidelines on how our employees can interact with the machinery and other staff” Kuza Freezer representative
“…from this assessment, we have been able to identify gaps and challenges in these enterprises, which we have worked towards recommending the best practices or based on the gaps identified. We have noted great improvements in awareness of safety practices at work that have also enabled our partners to develop policy documents based on the support that SBC has given them through both assessment of the gaps and also training that they have done to improve the working conditions related to employment and occupational health and safety.” Partners in Food Solutions Representative
“…we had training for three days. So far, we have been able to identify risks in our workplace, how to handle them. We were trained on the hierarchy of control from elimination, and if you cannot eliminate a hazard, you substitute. If you cannot substitute, then you can apply engineering controls. You can apply administrative controls and the least being use of PPEs” Abyssinia Dairy representative
Employees at Alba are more aware. For instance, I never knew about the different classes of helmets. I thought you should just use a helmet because which color is most preferable to you. But I learnt that specific helmets should be worn by specific professionals in that area. Each person becomes part and parcel of the implementation of all the programs. It will be easier for them to implement every part of the safety program. Abyssinia Dairy Representative
“We have seen by empowering the employees in these enterprises [on E&OHS], they are able to have a decision-making platform within the organization. They can have an engagement that otherwise would've gone unnoticed if you're not placing the employee within the heart of some of the practices that you adopt. At the core of intermediary, it'simportant for the enterprise that they support to lead to job creation and business viability and sustainability.” Ongoza Representative
“Through the training that was offered by SBC to one of our clients, Abyssinia Dairy through a pilot program, there are various positive impacts that have been achieved at the client facility. One of them has been forming the Health and Safety Committee. Which they were able to be trained according to the registration requirements. They've also been able to be instrumental in development of health and safety policies, as well as the employment wellbeing policy that SBC has supported with co-creation of the documents.” PFS representative
“…we had one entrepreneur whose contracting policies and procedures needed more amping up. We needed more training and coaching, and this is where Ongoza came in, leveraging the TOT sessions that were provided by SBC, we were able to really get this entrepreneur to a space where she could also get funding as well from an investor, which really worked since investors are keen on seeing such practices within the organizations.” Ongoza Representative
“SBC has supported us in providing us with toolkits and resources that are helping us in implementing decent work and providing a safe environment for our staff to work in. I think one of the bigger pictures for us to create jobs,and I think as we look to create jobs, it's really important for us to also be able to understand that our employees need a safe working condition” Kuza Freezer representative
“ We are able now to have command of the whole value chain because right now we have supplier documentations. We know where our product is coming from, we have control of the quality of the products. SBC has supported in development of a criteria of how to choose the suppliers that we work with. We have a process of how anybody who's coming to use the space, what they should do, what they should follow, and how to make sure it's a safe working environment, and we have the best quality of product and production as a space.” Somo Representative
“..SBC has been of great support to us, more specifically in ensuring that we improve on the safety of our workers, ensuring that we have the right policies in place. And also we have the right guidelines on how our employees can interact with the machinery and staff.” Kuza Freezers Representative
“..we didn't really have all the legal requirements for the [Tengeneza with Somo] facility. We got a checklist for the Somo Africa team and our entrepreneurs that we can just check and be on the right side of the law, which was very critical for us.” Somo Africa Representative
“We were able to understand the roles of WIBA, Dosh. We were also able to understand the role of me as an employee, the role also of an employer. Still in the process, we formed a committee and, we were trained on the various responsibilities of the committee, the formation of the committee as per the law provided.” Abyssinia Diary Representative
We received training from SBC to be able to fill gaps that were in the process of production in Somo Africa. One, while we were starting up, we did not really have documented processes for production. And how just to do operations in the production space. After the training, we were able to document all the manufacturing processes working on the different SOPs of the different products that were being produced at the space.” Somo Africa Representative
“I'd say the most important resources for an SME like this is the human resource. And, when the most important resource is not safe, that is when the workers are not safe, most likely the sustainability of that business will be compromised. Safety will definitely improve sustainability of our business. Because when things are done in the right way so that we don't have accidents” Abyssinia Dairy Representative
“I recently received the Business For Good Award as well as Global Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 through the YBI, and this organization really advocates for decent work and a safe environment for workers to work. And SBC has been very supportive in this, in helping us to make sure we are implementing decent work and also employing the policies that are there in our business.” Kuza Freezer representative