
Sustainable Products and Circularity

Circular Business Models, Sustainable Products, Packaging, and Waste

Transforming production & consumption with real world expertise to deliver a resilient circular economy, and a healthy, sustainable future for all.

Organisations that prioritise sustainability not only contribute to a more resilient future; they also position themselves as market leaders and open themselves up to new value creation. The nexus of circular business models, sustainable products and packaging, and waste reduction is a transformative force, driving positive environmental change while fostering innovation and resilience within organisations.

At SBC, we guide organisations through this transformative journey, supporting them as they address their compliance needs and prioritise sustainability as a driver for business growth. We specialise in supporting organisations to meet their regulatory obligations and developing evidence-backed strategies and roadmaps that boost resilience.


Sustainable Products and Circularity Services

Our team combines extensive industry knowledge with a forward-thinking approach, tailoring solutions to align with each organisation’s unique goals. We help companies transform the products they create and the business models they use to engage customers in order to drive better environmental and social impact, while expanding their market opportunity and business resilience.

We also help technology and infrastructure providers, governments, investors, and others to ensure that circular end-of-life solutions exist for products and packaging through effective resource recovery.

From designing eco-friendly products and implementing efficient waste reduction and reuse strategies to addressing toxic materials and transitioning towards a circular economy, we are dedicated to empowering your organisation to thrive sustainably.

Circular Business Models

We help organisations to adopt circular principles, turning waste into resources and creating new revenue streams.

We specialise in transforming how businesses develop products to optimise circular design and innovative material use, and how they can unlock circular revenue models such as resale, subscription, or product as a service. We also drive the circular economy by helping businesses to become more resource efficient, and reduce waste throughout the value chain

Lifecycle Assessments

As a global leader in delivering actionable LCA expertise, our services include strategy sessions to help businesses to determine what LCA can do for them, impact improvement workshops, LCA support, and Scope 3 and LCA integration.

Unique to our LCA services is a focus on how LCA results can be actioned to drive tangible sustainability improvements in line with client objectives, such as Net Zero targets. We have experience of all major LCA methodologies and software systems and support businesses with bespoke frameworks to fit their requirements.



Our packaging engineers provide the technical expertise required to ensure that organisations implement meaningful baselines and packaging strategies, and more sustainable packaging design.

We combine our clients’ stewardship goals, voluntary commitments and regulatory obligations to create a packaging strategy that optimises their environmental and economic outcomes.

Waste & Resource Recovery

From operational and value chain waste analytics to market assessments, our services cover circular economy support, waste footprinting, and end-to-end assistance in waste reduction and diversion.

We provide expertise across waste data, metrics, and reporting and strategy, including roadmaps for resource efficiency with digital solutions.