Alignment with programme and exclusion criteria

This includes the basic requirements that would allow admission or inclusion of an SGB into and intermediary’s support program(s).

Key topical questions

  1. Does the SGB meet the requirement and criteria set out by the intermediary?
  2. Is the SGB involved in the production, operation, trade, or sale of illicit products and services?
  3. Is the management committed to promoting E&OHS?

How you can support SGBs

Building a common understanding of the main E&OHS factors. In some instances, a preliminary review of the SGBs commitment and ability to manage E&OHS systems is important

Intermediary criteria

Each intermediary defines specific minimum criteria, that would allow the admission/inclusion of an SGB into their intermediary’s support program(s). Essentially, all programs have basic requirements that they...

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Exclusion consideration

Some intermediaries have incorporated aspects of exclusion within their criteria as these businesses contribute to serious health problems and negatively impact others.

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Management commitment

Many intermediaries, however, have not considered the inclusion of health, safety, and employee treatment issues in their exclusion criteria. Intermediaries can influence safety at work and fair employment...

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