At the end of direct engagements, SGBs may need further support, to keep them on track in maintaining the practices.
See Tools and ResourcesTo ensure that the effect of the support is not lost, the intermediary may recommend external sources of support, and contribute to monitoring and reporting the progress of the SGBs to keep to the minimum practices.
Recommendations my include institutions, documentation caches, ready to use, adopt or improve templates, and database of advisors that the SGBs may use as a resource
The recommendations will be supported by monitoring, using internally developed monitoring, evaluation, and reporting framework. The establishment of a review framework will require that the (pre, during and post-engagement) activities are implemented, or in the least their implementation is supported through linkages with experts and advisory.
The review would involve supporting the SGBs leadership in achieving E&OHS outcomes as initiated during engagement, and monitoring SGB performance based on practice indicators. In the end, progress towards action plans, milestones, and targets for improvements as well as any serious incidents will need to be reported through the review framework.
For existing portfolio, intermediaries can put in place a separate agreement with the aim of supporting them achieve particular OHS and employment practices. Once an agreement is in place, the advisory team can support SGBs to develop and advance the plans. There are several approaches that intermediaries can monitor progress: 1) require annual self-reporting by the SGB; 2) company visits; and 3) deep dive evaluation.