What is this toolkit about?
Championed by Sustainable Business Consulting, this Employment, Occupational Health and Safety E&OHS toolkit is a set of guidelines, tools & resources focused on supporting intermediaries to integrate E&OHS in their advisory with the aim of promoting safe workspaces and fair employment practices among SGBs in their portfolio.
To help organizations implement the toolkit, Sustainable Business Consulting developed standards with proposed minimum practices and an implementation guide to support intermediaries integrating OHS and employment into their programme.
The toolkit provides an opportunity for intermediaries to broach the safe working environment and fair employee treatment subject, and support their pipeline SGBs to become more compliant
The toolkit is created by those on the ground and are based on real world experience. The toolkit was designed such that intermediaries can easily adopt or adapt them to align with their own internal practices.
This toolkit is a practical How to Guide, which aims at equipping intermediaries with the necessary tools, knowledge and resources to broach the safe working environment and fair employee treatment subject,